Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Sentimental Spring

We're on the countdown until school is finally over and we'll finally have to decide on what we really want to do with our lives. For most of us, it's about getting a job in the communications field and who isn't excited about it?... Every second year has high hopes for the future especially that each one is armed with a treasure trove of immaculate knowledge and skills.

I would only have to attend my classes until next week. At this point in time, I am finishing off a few more assignments and I'll be done in no time. My work placement would come afterwards but that's already part of working in the real world. Somehow, I would miss school - the wonderful people I've met and made frends with, including those who just made our two-year creative communications program a very memorable one. There are amazing people in our program who can spark a bright light in our midst and can pull off with a really funny joke; with such wonderful people, there wasn't a single day without really laughing our hearts out. There would always be that bunch of individuals who I will remember even after I step out of the college.

Finishing the program would only mean that I will be able to devote more time to my family - something that I have been waiting for these past two years. Being in the program is no easy task; I was informed during my interview prior to entering CreComm that much will be demanded from me. Honestly, I took that very seriously. Having to manage a household; a family with children; and studying in a full-time program were enough to test my determination to succeed and put everything in order. It was a tiring journey but truly a very satisfying one.

As spring is almost here, I cannot help but be sentimental about it all. Leaving school very soon would be a bittersweet experience but I would always cherish the wonderful people I met and the great instructors who made my two-year life as a student simply wonderful.

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