Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Yearning for more sleep

Since the start of the semester, I haven't gotten enough sleep. I surely have no one else to blame but myself.

This may sound like more of a confession rather than a regular blog post but I have been yearning to get more sleep these past few days. If I'm fortunate, I can get five hours of sleep on a weekday after a busy day in school and at home.

I do enjoy every bit of work that I do whether that would be in the college or at my home but frankly, I once thought that there should have been 28 hours in a day instead of 24. This says something about the amount of work that I do; I feel like that things never get done when I have piles of newly washed clothes to fold and a long list of errands to do during the week. Somehow to wish that there were more hours in a day is like going against the natural course of order (whatever that may be). If there's only 24 hours in a day, I better 'take the time' and get a good night's sleep whenever I can. I believe that there are many things in life that we can edit, but we can't surely edit the number of required hours of sleep that we should be getting each day in order to keep our bodies functioning well and healthy.

Today I had my wake-up call with regards to taking care of myself. I had 'edited' myself too much in terms of the hours of sleep that I'm getting each day that it already came to the point that I'm already justifying to myself that 4 or 5 hours of sleep is good; well in fact, it's really not.

So in the course of the next few weeks before we say 'goodbye' to this wonderful semster, I will try my best to get some more sleep even if it means leaving some things undone. After all, shouldn't our sleep be a priority? Be careful not to edit this one out.