Friday, November 19, 2010

Getting ready for your work placement

A few weeks from now, students from the Creative Communications program will make their transition from school-based training to applied learning in a real world setting. Although I must say that the students in this program (including me) are no neophytes working in a real world. A majority have in fact, started applying all their skills in a real setting. A good number of students have worked prior to entering the program and have gained valuable knowledge and insights.
Now, it will be a bit different. We are about to work in a field that has something to do with our acquired skills and knowledge. The work placement is something to look forward to.

So in preparation, students in CreComm would probably need a reminder or two of my 10 tips to getting ready for your wok placement.

1. As soon as you get the organization's contact information, connect with the organization by sending an email or make a brief call. Companies would find that you are interested in the internship.

2. Know more about the business and activities of the organization that you’ll be working with (including the people, too).
Nothing is more terrible than for an intern who doesn’t have the slightest clue of what business the company is doing. In your research, be sure to gather and read as many materials you can get. Use the internet; read the company’s brochures; annual reports; etc. Ask around and interview people of what they think the company is or maybe yet, ask people who have worked with that company.

While doing research on the company or organization, find out about the key people who work for the company or organization. Most of the time, you'll get to know the key people listed under 'staff' in the company website. If this is not the case, acquaint yourself with the people you'll be working with on Day 1 and try to remember their names.

3. Make a good impression.
On your first day, don't forget to make a good impressin- inside and out. Wear a smile. Greet people. Be the first one to extend your hand for a handshake. Be interested on what the company is doing. It may happen that you won't be doing anything yet on your first day and your supervisor or manager would just simply show you around. But for the succeeding days, don't forget to put your best foot forward- your work placement may turn into a job offer in the future.

4. After you have made your initial contact with the company you’ll be working with, be sure to drop them an email or give them a call a couple of days before you start your work.
This will allow you to establish relations with the company but this will also be good in letting you know of any last minute reminders from their side if they haven't done anything prior to that. It may be possible that there'll be specific instructions on how you'll get into the building, for example. Or there could be a special dress code that you would have to follow. You'll neverr know. Better yet, a follow-up email or call won't hurt to help better prepare yourself for the job that's awaiting you.

5. Eat well, sleep well.
In preparation for your work placement, be sure that you’re keeping yourself healthy and fit. You just don’t know how demanding your work is going to be.

6. This may sound vain to some, but be sure that you have enough suitable clothes to wear at your work placement.
You don’t have to have that many clothes but make sure that you prepare it in advance.

7. Plan out your lunches.
At this time, you might consider planning on how to come up with quick and easy-to-prepare lunches. It’s possible that even if it’s already lunch time at your workplace, people would still be sitting doing their work. But of couese, you can't just eat at your desk. You still have to know what policies are set into place. If you are not the type who prepares lunches, well by all means, go to the canteen (if there's one) or nearby restaurant and order your lunch from there.

8. Bring your CreComm 'cheat sheets'
If you would be working in a PR related function, don't forget to keep your news release, media advisory, pitch letter/email, communication plan, or anything else that you might find use for, handy. If you feel that you don't have to bring these stuff, that's fine. My point is, for some of us who want to make sure that we're ready for the 'challenge', it's always best that we're ready for it at that particular time. What if your manager would ask you to prepare a news release within an hour? Of course, you wouldn't want to come unprepared. Simply bring your stuff in a neat folder, envelope, or even in a portfolio case if you have one, and when you find a need for it (especially if they don't have a template to work with), you can simply pull it out. Don't worry if the people there will find out about it. First of all, they would be busy doing their own stuff. Second, your manager would be more concerned of getting the job done.

Remember- you're there to learn; it's an internship. But as a student still in the CreComm program, coming to work prepared will do wonders for you. Before anything else, always look into the company's previous works like news releases and media advisories. You would normally follow or do things the way it's done. Your 'cheat sheets' would only be for your reference in case you need them.

9. Come early on your first day.
We all know this- we have to come early on our first day of work. Not only will this ensure that you're there 'on time,' but this will also help ourselves adjust to the place and new environment. Coming early will also be helpful to those who haven't seen the place yet. This will alllow you to find directions getting there especially if you'll be looking for a spot to park your car. Make sure that you make this clear with your contact person; parking, hours of operation, and all. And for some who'll be taking the transit, allow more time on your part. Although there are set schedules for the bus to come at your particular stop, it's possible that there could be delays. And yes, who would ever forget about weather and road conditions? Always keep tuned to your fave radio.

10. Think positive!
Our work placement is very important and I believe that all of us are particularly excited about it. To expect for the best things to happen (whatever it may be), always think positive! You can do it! Bring out your creativity; your talents; your skills; every single bit that you're made of.  From the time that you're reading this post, always remember to think positively about your work placement and don't let any negative things blur your mind.

So there you have it! A few simple reminders that will help you prepare for your work placement. If you have anymore good suggestions, please comment on this post.

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