Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Freedom in Blogging

First impressions are not always right; that I learned when I was asked to set-up my own blog--now, here's what I have to say about this esciting way of communicating.

Sharing my thoughts and experiences to others has always been a big part of my life. At the very moment I entered the Creative Communications program here at Red River College, my life (in both ways) got simpler and more complicated at the same time.

I am a mother to two wonderful children, who demand my attention most of the time. But since they know that their mom goes to school everyday, they try to understand with their young minds that mom needs to do her homework most of the time especially in the evenings (and even weekends). It’s very comforting to know that as young as they are, they truly understand the situation we’re all in. I would also credit my husband for doing such a marvelous job for his unwavering support, and for looking after our kids most or all of the time.

My situation may not ring a bell to a lot of people, but I am pretty sure that the feelings of excitement and anticipation are common to those who have focused themselves to achieving a larger goal in life.

I am definitely a bona-fide student; tasked to do assignments, projects, and even meet deadlines. At the start of the term, my instructors in advertising and public relations encouraged us to start our own blogs and choose a theme of our own choice. I was quite intimidated at first because I had a negative impression about blogging.

First, I didn’t like the idea of posting my commentaries or thoughts towards a subject online, knowing that people who I don’t know, would read my posts and associate it to my name. It may be a state of paranoia, thinking that some people would find their way to find out more about me without my consent.

Secondly, I thought that blogging was just a waste of my time. Having a family to look after, part-time work and other commitments in the community, I just concluded that blogging was not my cup of tea--but I was wrong.

Right after my instructors told us the potential benefits of having our own personal blogs, I ventured out and did my research--I read other people's blogs, visited websites that talk about the subject and learned what makes a good blog. After I had done my 'homework', I realized that having a blog could do more good things and simply outweigh the bad ones--so long as I know where my blog is headed.

Another negative impression I had towards blogging is the possibility of making mistakes whether that be typographical in nature or simply a misinterpretation of a certain issue. I have been trained to go over my written works not just a few times, but a dozen times at least. I worked as a copywriter for over five years and in that position, I learned to be my best critic. But now since I put up my own blog, I learned to be more forgiving of myself whenever I make a mistake. I believe that since blogging is more of a personal journal, it’s not primarily meant to be judged by others although, correct spelling of words is still a must.

I believe that having a focus on one's blog is also essential. Although blogs are regarded as personal online journals, one should know where to draw the line between what is acceptable and not; one can share her views on a wide array of topics but that doesn't mean to say that one can talk whatever and however she wants; professionalism is still very important as well as good judgment.

In the midst of my busy and hurried life, I find blogging to be a good outlet for my thoughts especially on things that I am passionate about. And so, Heartstrings Winnipeg came about, to serve as a fulfillment to a requirement in school and most importantly, a medium to voice out my thoughts about certain issues.

My life may be more complicated now, having to balance between my studies and family, but blogging has certainly provided me a simpler way to share my thoughts and views to others--that I think is liberating!

Want to start blogging? Click here!


  1. A nice perspective! Do you ever think about your kids getting older and reading back over your blog posts from when they were little?

  2. I sure did! I believe when that time comes, my kids will be old enough to understand all the things that I've written down. That's why I also have to make sure that my posts are wholesome :)
