Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Junk the bad copy

Everyday I receive a lot of mail-  it's a combination of 'very important' ones like personal letters, subscription magazines, and bills as well as 'junk mail.' Like what most companies do especially those who still believe in the power of direct mails, they would send thousands of coupons, subscription offers, samplers, catalogues, and other direct mailers to clueless residents in Winnipeg. Just like most of you do, I am not exempted from receiving these stuff in my mailbox every week.

There is this one particular direct mailer that I didn't bother reading from the start (or maybe at least I've read it a couple of times). In fact, I have been receiving the 'same letter' (same copy, same layout) from this local company for the past five years. It came to the extent that this letter starts to annoy me, and somehow, I feel a bit of pity towards the marketing guy or even the owner himself for a badly written copy. I have a feeling that he's not getting the marketing mileage he wants; but the point is, why waste thousands of paper printing the same bad copy, year after year? If you're a business owner, think about the promotional value of your direct mailers for instance. Make every cent count; even if it's just one piece of ordinary paper. But I believe that with the case we have in hand, the owner doesn't mind after all. Is it maybe because he's 'content' getting let's say, 50 leads out of the 1,000 direct mailers he printed in one quarter?... Still, the value for your money doesn't add up.

So here is the infamous copy I was talking about. Note the redundant punctuation marks used. Obviously, this copy is subject to editing. Read on!

"Our No Tax Event ... Plus Don't Pay For One Year!"

Why should you have to pay sales tax?? During our No Tax event, we will pay the taxes on any purchase of a Premier or Optimum furnace and air conditioning bundle. That's right, you can get a top-of-the-line furnace and air conditioner now and save hundreds of $$$$ in sales taxes during this limited time event!

Dear Homeowner,

Is your furnace ready for the cold winter ahead? For a limited time, I am going to pay the tax for you on any Premier or Optimum furnace and air conditioning bundle you purchase from me. You can use the omeny save to pay for family vacation, a new TV, or whatever you like.

...and the copy goes on. Maybe after reading this, you have found a few or several mistakes which need to be corrected. After typing the excerpt from the direct mailer above, I have also noticed that the copy broke a couple of rules. For one, if you want to emphasize a point in your direct mailer (especially in the body copy), it's either you highlight the words or simply underline it. To use both in the same text or words is overemphasizing and it just doesn't look good- it's just like throwing a pie on someone's face. The other thing I've found is the 'cliche' that some companies use in selling their wares. Can't they think of something more original and exciting?...

What's your verdict?... Feel free to share it with me.

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