What makes a cold wintery day, warm? Well, there could be tons of reasons- a visit from a friend; a surprise gift from a loved one; or even a hot chocolate drink in your favourite mug!
Today is exceptionally special—we threw a celebration to a very special person who has made a difference in the lives of our children. All our kids were supposed to have their regular practices in the different programs that this wonderful lady has been leading in the past several years but all the moms (including me!) have something special to give to this person—a baby shower!
In the dark, we huddled—hushing the younger kids to be quiet; it was quite a feat but everybody else was trying their best to remain silent and keep their hands and feet to themselves. It seemed like the excitement was brewing and we simply can’t contain ourselves not until the door was unlocked and there comes our ‘director’. The lights were switched on and then we said “Surprise!” with such enthusiasm.
A program was given starting off with warm greetings and special prayers for this wonderful lady and her baby-to-be. Then we presented her a ‘gift’—a newsletter-magazine that we prepared which is a collection of our best wishes and blessings for this new family. I am happy to be part of it because I got to design, layout and edit the material. In fact, it was my idea to come up with this memoir that she’ll remember us by—a memoir of warm wishes and blessings from all moms to a mom-to-be and her hubby.
After the presentation of our gift, we had a couple of games for the kids. It’s amazing to see all the children having so much fun and the look of innocent anticipation from their young eyes. Many of the younger kids looked on while the others came close to our director and touched her growing baby belly. After the games, we said a prayer and soon right after, we helped ourselves with a buffet of various food and snacks. Most of the kids helped themselves with a plateful of sweet treats and chips, while the older ones grabbed some fudgy brownies and pizza slices.
The highlight of the night came when we presented to her a table full of gifts. It’s wonderful to see those sparkle in her eyes which reminds me of the time when I was about to open gifts from friends who care for the coming of a new member in our family. It took some time for our director to open all the gifts which range from baby clothes to baby carriers, and even a cute blue bathtub and baby bag which matches the taste of our wonderful mom-to-be. Right after the party’s over, I left the place with such joy in my heart. It’s a good thing to give our best wishes to someone who is expecting; for the coming of a new baby means life and the birth of a new hope.
It was a cold night but it was warmed by the love of all mothers who extended their love and warmest regards to a young woman who is about to take on the new journey known as motherhood.